Sunday, June 26, 2011

Election Wish

The star Online reported that Najib said "in today's situation and political landscape, what was important was to effect change and revitalisation because "if we stick to the old ways, we can win the old war, but winning the new war is not a certainty for us".

When he said that, I was hoping he was considering:-

1. To conduct election only upon expiry of every 5 years term with dates of next election to be announced right after conclusion of each election. No more guessing games. No more waiting for inspiration for the election dates. No more jokes about next election dates. Just simple, the end of the 5 years with dates decided and announced at the beginning of the term.

2. The ruling party would stop using any and all government machineries for the benefit of the ruling party. Complete and visible separation between government and political party activities at all time. No more instant project during elections. No more announcement of new project during elections. No more promises of new projects during elections.

3. The party he is heading would lead the way for a clean and positive campaigning. His party would from now on endeavour to stand on it's strength and not on the opposition's weakness. Meaning, instead of working to discredit the oppositions to make his party look good, they would work to better his party so that his party would not only look good but actually become better.

But then he was also reported to say "In this context, Najib urged party members to create a winning alliance by forging relations and links with various levels and groups in society in their respective areas to ensure public support for the party".

Well of course, what was I thinking. Who am I. Why would the election or anything at all go according to my wish?

'Public can decide if it's Anwar'?

Betul ke?
"Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said yesterday he was leaving it to the public to decide whether the man in the video clip is opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
"This is something they have to judge for themselves. The most important thing is to determine the authenticity and find the truth.
"It's up to the people to decide," he said, adding that two foreign experts had verified the video clip as authentic.

Sekarang adakah:-
1. Kita semua kena bersedia untuk menonton klip video tersebut supaya boleh membuat penilaian masing-masing?
2. Klip video tersebut akan dimainkan di semua stesen tv supaya keseluruhan rakyat boleh menontonnya dan membuat penilaian masing-masing?
3. Pihak kerajaan akan menerbitkan klip video tersebut dalam bentuk VCD atau DVD atau bentuk apa jua pun untuk edaran, samaada secara percuma atau untuk dijual kepada sesiapa yang mahu membuat penilaian?
Apa pun, wajarkah Perdana Menteri mengeluarkan kenyataan sebagai yang dilaporkan? Ataupun adakah NST tersalah lapor?
Sejak akhir-akhir ini, saya sering berharap agar akhbar di Malaysia sentiasa berusaha melaporkan yang benar tetapi apabila melihat laporan tertera di atas, saya berharap akhbar Malaysia berhenti melaporkan. Ya, berhenti melaporkan. Biar kami rakyat hidup aman tanpa berita.